Friday, November 21, 2008

I'm very excited to present to you the winners of "My Dear Aunt" rug hooking challenge for Fall of 2008!
The hookers were given the witch's head and had to build a background around her of their own accord. As it turns out these 2 fab aunts were the only 2 competed and I have declared a tie for 1st place!
Both of these talented hookers have won $180.00 worth of rug hooking supplies from my website! Congradulations Val & Sylvia!!!!! I love them both and I have even named them......
Watching the Crystal Ball - by Val Flannigan (bottom) - hooked in 4, 6 & 8
Val is traveling at the moment but I have asked her to submit a few words on hooking her piece when she can.
My Favorite Things - by Sylvia Owen (top) - hooked in #8
Was I up to a challenge? Hmmm... I am a new hooker. I finished my first rug in the spring of this year so wondered if I had the knowledge to actually do a challenge. Guess you never know if you can do something unless you try. I wanted a Halloween theme to surround my dear Aunt and so I drew out some ideas on paper until I got a pattern that I thought might work. I liked the idea of her being caught up in a spider web and knew that I wanted her to have really wild hair. I transferred my pattern to the monks cloth and figured out what wool I needed. I dyed some of it myself thanks to some lessons I had from a wonderful friend, and used a few of her hand dyed wools as well. The background is a dirty blue spruce and all the wool was cut with a #8 width. The hair is slub that I dyed three times in the microwave in an attempt to get the different colors. I left the loops long for her wild hair. With the exception of the hair I punched the rug with an Oxford #10 and totally enjoyed the process of seeing my ideas come to life. Thanks Kim for hosting this challenge!! Sylvia
Thank you to everyone who participated in this Challenge, I hope to have an annual challenge as they are soooo much fun and I just love hearing about the rugs. Til the next one, happy hooking! Kim

Monday, October 27, 2008

My Dear Aunt dear Aunt has arrived !

She's been gone for some time now, I simply don't know what to do with her. Oh dear!

Hmmmm....should I stick her on the end of her broom???? I know I need to fix her hair for her, somethings never change. How am I going to make her feel at home?

I know....I will ask some hookers for their visions and we will see.....we'll be busy celebrating Halloween for the next few weeks, so maybe after the new moon (Beaver) on Nov 13 we can get her settled for winter.
please bookmark this blog as I hope you will drop by and place your vote on what to do with my dear Aunt...the stakes will be high so vote all you want & do bring a friend.